Your dear puzzle-maker has been ill the last few days. That's why a day was missed (sorry). Therefore I'll give an extra 24 hours to finish Monday's cryptogram -- it will close Wednesday morning (U.S. time).
April 30, 1006, is the date of the brightest recorded supernova
ever. It was described as being 1/4 to 1/2 as bright as the moon, so bright that objects could be seen on the ground by its light at night. In its honor, for today's
Alpha Category puzzle, name as many astronomical objects as you can.
The criteria: Each item must be a
named and
natural body. Galaxies and nebulae are okay, but not constellations. Nothing sent up by humans, and nothing designated by a number. Also, no generic names (e.g. "planet"), unless it is commonly called by that name; for instance, you can use "the Sun" for
(Is this category too difficult? Too easy? Too boring? Leave feedback with your comment to help me improve the site!)
Competition closed. Winner:sooferfan645